Hot Water Systems
Water heaters heat and supplying water to household appliances, such as dishwashers, showers, and more. Every home uses hot water differently, and it’s important to understand the different types of water heaters and features to find one that best suits your needs. There are a variety of brands and styles of water heaters available from Electric or Gas Fired to On Demand/ Instant heaters.

Electric Tanks are fuelled by electricity and come in a range of sizes for all varieties’ application.
Bvent water heaters are a gas supplied unit that use a type of pipe called b-vent that is installed through the home and terminates above the room. This Appliance uses room air for combustion making it relatively efficient.
Pvent or Power Vent water heaters use a blower or fan to exhaust gases by pushing then through vent pipes that terminate horizontally. Theses are especially useful if there is no roof access or chimney.
Fully Condensing water heaters are gas-fired units with a similar water heating process as conventional models. These units have a larger and more efficient heat exchanger ideal for high demand homes with a lower operating cost.
Navien NPE series condensing tankless water heaters deliver an endless supply of hot water for any size home. Navien primary condensing stainless steel heat exchangers recover extra heat that would be lost in non-condensing tankless water heaters to reduce energy consumption and CO₂ emissions. The highest energy efficiency in the industry with 15 years warranty on heat exchangers.